- 'The Sensory Archaeology of Ritual at Brauron', Greek Archaeology Group and Prehistoric and Early Greece Graduate Seminar, University of Oxford (forthcoming, January)
- 'Mapping Meaning Through Memory: Panathenaia Through Parthenon', Theoretical Approaches to Ancient Greek Religion' Celtic Conference in Classics, Cardiff University (July)
- 'The Brauron Clothing Catalogue: Transforming Women's Religious Material Culture into Civic Identity', The Constant Participant: Constructing and Affirming Identity through Material Culture in Ancient Greek Sanctuaries and Modern Museums, The Danish Institute at Athens (May)
- 'Exploring the Ritualisation of Girls' Bodies though Dance Iconography in Ancient Athenian Religion', 'New Perspectices on Ancient Athenian Religion' Classical Association Annual Conference, University of Warwick (March)
- 'Dance Iconography at Brauron', The Barron Thyssen Centre for the Stuyd of Ancient Material Religion seminar, The Open University (March)
- 'Kinaesthetic Religions Instruction: Athenian Votives and Vases' 'Religious Movement and Ancient Mediterenean Art', Celtic Conference in Classics, University of Coimbra (July)
- 'Hermes and Aphrodite on the Parthenon Freize: Human-Divine Interaction' Classical Association Annual Conference, University of Cambridge (April)
- 'What Can We Learn from the Brauron Clothing Catalogue? An Investigation into the Haptic Perception of Dress', Classics Department Seminars, Durham University (November)
- 'As if the Body of an Animal: Politics, Status, and Situated Ritual in Ancient Greece', Classical Association Annual Conference, Swansea University
- 'Going Down to Hadestown: Katabasis in ancient myth and modern receptions', Ancient History Seminar, School of Archaeology and Ancient History, University of Leicester (October)
- 'Girls’ Bodies as Religious Objects in Classical Athens', Faith Lives of Women and Girls: Identities, Experiences, Practices and Beliefs, The Queen's Foundation Birmingham (March)
- 'Liminal Weaving: Craft as a tool of age-transition', Classics Research Symposium, Royal Holloway University of London (June)
- 'Procession and Representation on the Parthenon Frieze: Hanging About, Girls, and Gods', Moving through time: Processions from the Classical Past to Byzantium, Institute of Classical Studies (June)
- 'Reconciling the Divine: Athena, Athenians, and the Arrhephoroi', Conflict, Reconciliation and Community: The Midlands Classics and Ancient History Colloquium, University of Birmingham (May)
- 'Girls’ Bodies as Religious Objects in Classical Athens', Classical Association Annual Conference, University of Leicester (April)
- 'Locals in the Underworld: Demeter, Hades, and Persephone in Hermione’, That Other Crowd. Nethergods in the Ancient Greek Mythical Imagination. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (forthcoming, September)
- 'Experiencing Hades: A Sensory Approach to Necromancy in Ancient Greece’, School of Archaeology and Ancient History, University of Leicester (June)
- 'Personal Experience in Civic Festivals: The Arrhephoroi at the Panathenaia', Classical Association Annual Conference, University of Kent (April)
- ‘Weaving Athena: An Object-focused Study of Girls and Women Approaching Athena as a Poliadic Deity’, Athena: Sharing New Research, University of Roehampton (June)
- ''Well-played, Fluttershy’: Defeating Discord and Dragons in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic’, Early Career Researcher Seminar, Institute of Classical Studies (March)
- ‘Death-Brides in Early Greece’, Marginal Death Research Symposium, University of York (December)
- ‘"White Teeth, Terrible-Faced, Grim, Blood-red, Dreadful, Engaged in Conflict”: Monsters on the Battlefield, in Homer and Elsewhere’, Animals, Monsters, and Demons in Greek and Near-Eastern Religions, University of St. Andrews (January)
- ‘In the Ground and in the Sky: Chthonic/Ouranic Dichotomy in Early Greek Cult’: King’s Classics Departmental Seminar, King’s College London (March)
- ‘Little Korai: Persephone-Imitation in Marriage and Death in Early Greek Cult’, Early Career Researcher Seminar, Institute of Classical Studies (March)
- ‘Global Mapping and Local Rites: Panhellenism and Greek Communities’, Scottish Classics Postgraduate Conference, University of Edinburgh (February)
- ‘Thinly Coherent Communities? Mapping the Local and Panhellenic in Early Greek Cult’, Ancient Greek Religion Seminars, Institute of Classical Studies (December)
- ‘Planting the Seeds of Death: Black Demeter in Early Greek Cult’, Representation and Identity in Classical Antiquity II: King’s Classics Postgraduate Conference, King's College London (June)
- ‘Thin-coherence and the Chthonic: Macro- and Micro-communities in Early Greek Cult’, Approaches to Greek Cult, Institute of Classical Studies (March)
- ‘Doom and Sorrow: Achilleus’ Physical Expression of Mourning in the Iliad’, Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient Literature, University of Oxford (September)
- ‘Who Decides Your Time to Die? Fate and Doom in Early Greek Literature’, Postgraduate Work-in-Progress Seminar, Institute of Classical Studies (May)
- ‘Winged, Black, Dripping Descents: the Monstrous Feminine Death in Early Greek Religion’, Something Wicked That Way Went: Monsters and Monstrosity in Classical Antiquity, University of Virginia (April)
- ‘But Moira Overcame Me…: Fate and Death in Early Greek Religion’, King’s Classics Departmental Seminar, King’s College London (March)
- ‘To the Black-walled House of Persephone…: Persephone’s Claim to Rule the Underworld in Early Greek Religion’, Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient History, University of Oxford (March)
- ‘Who is Death? Personifications of Death in Early Greek Religion’, Royal Irish Academy Postgraduate Conference in Classical and Near Eastern Studies, Queen’s College, Belfast (March)
- ‘Worshippers of Death: An Exploration of the Cultic Presence of the Lord of the Underworld’, Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient History, University College London (March)
- 'Saved by the Pig: The No-feast Sacrifice of Piglets in Ancient Greece’, AMPHORA IV Postgraduate Classics Conference, Monash University (October)
- 'Guide, Guard, and Shepherd: The Role of Hermes in Aischylos’ Eumenides', Languages, Cultures, and Linguistics Research Seminar, Monash University (April)
- 'Journey into Purity: An Exploration of Orestes’ Passage Though Otherness in Aischylos’ Eumenides’, Living on the Edge: Perceptions of Liminality in Classical Antiquity, City University of New York (April)
- 'Dreaming Otherness in Aischylos' Eumenides', Classical Studies Program Research Seminar, Monash University (March)
- 'Vengeance and Resentment: The Erinyes Before and After the Demos’, AMPHORA III Postgraduate Classics Conference, University of Melbourne (October)
- ‘The Homeric Homicide: Tracing the Pre-history of Homicide Customs’, Languages, Cultures, and Linguistics Research Seminar, Monash University (September)
- ‘Religious Pollution as a Pretext for Colonisation’, Australiasian Society for Classical Studies Annual Conference (30), University of Sydney (February)